

The Man Of Her Dreams / The Woman Of His Marriage Intensive

Are you extremely frustrated in your marriage and ready to give up? We feel for your pain! Like you, we experienced that pain ourselves for the first LONG decade of our marriage. We have now been married for 39 years; 29 of them outrageously happy!

By Joel Kathy Davisson
| 78 students |
  • English
    USD $795
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    What You Will Learn

    • What Oxytocin and Cortisol are, and Why They Matter for a Happy Wife.
    • Arrested Development for Men. Arrested Development for Women.
    • Short Session on Sex. Initiator/Responder. Hugs, Smiles, Kisses and Compliments!
    • How to bring closure to past emotional wounds, and begin the healing process. Mother-Son Issues.
    • The Five Word Job Description of Every Husband.
    • Why Men Look at Porn, Get Into Adultery, Flirt, Take Second Looks, etc. - and How to Get Healed.

    Course Content

    • 15 modules 107 lessons 25h 46m total duration
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    MODULE 2: Glory and Favor of God
    MODULE 3: Emotional Divorce. Generational Curse
    MODULE 4: Initiator/Responder. The Proper Focus
    MODULE 5: God Hates Divorce
    MODULE 6: Source of Life
    MODULE 7: Wife Turns Heart Towards Husband. I Love the Lord.
    MODULE 8: Spiritual Leader. How to Bring Closure.
    MODULE 9: Deepest Wound. Decisions.
    MODULE 10: Arrested Development. How Growth Starts.
    MODULE 11: Mother—Son Issues. Why Men Flirt.
    MODULE 12: Covenant. Women In Arrested Development.
    MODULE 13: Women In Arrested Development (Continued). Elizabeth Jameison.
    MODULE 15: Help Meet. Short Session On Sex.

    At the end of the Houston Intensive, Chad said, "Why did you leave this material out of the books?
    What we learned this weekend is the missing link!".

    What do YOU need in order to have a happy marriage? You need to fully understand arrested development (and its effects on men and women), headship, and how to deal with past baggage issues. Specifically, women need to understand how to protect themselves and recover from bitterness; men need to fully understand they are the initiators of good or bad in the marriage. Men need to be positively proactive at all times; women need to respond warmly. Both of thse assignments are equally difficult for that couple who is presently in a bad marriage.

    EVERY husband can become The Man of Her Dreams and EVERY wife can become The Woman of His! If Joel and Kathy can do it, so can you! We live our outrageously happy marriage every day!

    Stick with us. Learn it. Live it. Love it.

    You can be happy in your marriage! BOTH OF YOU!

    The truths you need are here. This is it folks — this is the beginning of a brand new life. We are here for you — every step of the way!

    Joel and Kathy

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    Outrageously Happy Marriage Course Detail
    Outrageously Happy Marriage

    Are you extremely frustrated in your marriage and ready to give up? We feel for your pain! Like you, we experienced that pain ourselves for the first LONG decade of our marriage. We have now been married for 39 years; 29 of them outrageously happy!


    About Teacher

    Joel Kathy Davisson

    We can help YOU go “from misery, to outrageously happy!”

    You have landed on this page, most likely because you are extremely frustrated in your marriage. You are ready to give up!  We feel for your pain. Like you, we experienced that that pain ourselves for the first LONG decade of our marriage. We have now been married for 39 years; 29 of them happy!

    The great news about your marriage misery is this: your marriage frustrations and hopelessness have caused you to look for serious help.

    Most who live in “average” marriages never look for help. They live in a marriage of low-level frustration until they tire of it. They eventually file divorce or simply live like two single people for the rest of their lives. Uggh. That is NOT an option for you. YOU do not want to live that kind of life! YOU want to go for the GOLD in marriage! If you did not want to go for the GOLD in marriage, you would not be here.

    You can NOW learn how to have an outrageously happy marriage. Why? Because, like Joel and Kathy did, YOU are LOOKING! You are HUNGRY to get a MIRACLE of transformation in your marriage. 

    With our help, and the blessing of the Lord, hundreds of couples just like you, since 2004, have gone from “From Misery to Outrageously Happy!” You can read over 500 fascinating testimonies in our FREE 500-Testimony PDF book.

    Couple after couple after couple share their experience of being positively impacted. They had the same, SERIOUS pain and SERIOUS issues in their marriage.  Adultery, abuse, no sex, living single while married.. you name it! They all found good, legitimate, and EFFECTIVE help.  

    We don’t stop at simply averting divorce. That is not “success.”  Success is Outrageously Happy! If you will let us, if you are HUNGRY, we will stay with you EVERY STEP of the way until we get you out of misery and into experiencing that Outrageously Happy Marriage!

    Who are we? We are authors of a #6 Best Seller on Amazon,  “The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His!”  Volume 2 came two years later. It is subtitled: “Livin’ it and Lovin’ it!” Many Pastors, marriage/family counselors and therapists who have Masters and PHD’s utilize our books in their practices. They report that our books fill in the blanks and give them the tools that they were missing to truly help hurting couples.

    We are also parents of four children, young adults now. One of our four, Shekinah Glory, entered Heaven when she was 13.

    We have been married since 1984. In 1985, things went downhill fast! Arguments were loud and dramatic. In 1987, we began to pastor our first church. Though we both loved the Lord and wanted a happy marriage, the dysfunctions continued to increase. Joel became skilled at mental, emotional, verbal and spiritual abuse.

    In 1991, Joel’s abusive treatment of Kathy culminated in his committing adultery. By this time, Chris was 2 years old, daughter Jenifer was 1 year old.

     Joel and Kathy left the ministry and entered secular work with the intention of restoring their shattered marriage and save the family. Things got worse!

    Three more years of struggle ensued. Finally, in 1994, we attended a one week set of classes that were designed to teach couples how to minister to severely abusive marriage relationships.  We realized that Joel was an abuser. Joel accepted this “verdict” and began a journey of transformation into a loving and kind husband. By this time, Chris was 5, Jenifer was 4, Josiah was almost one and Shekinah Glory was ready to be born.

    Shekinah Glory, born in 1994, got to live with her healed and happy parents for fourteen wonderful  years. Kathy had been prepared to divorce Joel in the spring of 1994. Being pregnant with Shekinah was the only reason that Kathy did not follow through with the divorce.

    We say, Shekinah was our angel who kept us together to attend those classes. Shekinah was then with us for those first 14 wonderful years of our progressively healed and happy marriage. On September 17, 2008, Shekinah suddenly went to be with the Lord.

    We have been living and loving our outrageously happy marriage, starting on that journey in 1994. After 10 years of living the things that we now teach, we felt that God spoke, “Write a book, tell your story and tell what I taught you about marriage.” The rest is history. The book took off like a rocket. Couples who read the book started getting overnight miracles. God was speaking loudly, “This is the way, walk ye in it!” We soon found ourselves thrust into full time marriage ministry, helping those who had the most severe of problems. We have now been in full time marriage ministry since 2004. The ministry has grown into a full-service marriage ministry offering multiple nationwide group marriage mentoring calls, online marriage forum, DVD sets, seminars and remarkably fruitful 5-Day Weekend Marriage Intensives.

    We also offer ministry to men who have lost their wife’s heart and want to win her heart back.

    We don’t teach from book knowledge. We teach from real life, our real life and the lives of hundreds of couples we have helped. Nothing in your marriage will surprise us or catch us without answers. There is a great event in the book of Acts. The disciples were praying for Peter and John to be released from prison.  Peter and John were suddenly released and knocking at the door. The praying disciples did not believe their prayer was answered! The answer was at the door, and they did not believe it. You have now found the answer to your many prayers of “God, save my marriage!” Your prayers have been answered by your finding this webpage. We hope that you believe!

    You can have an outrageously happy marriage!  If Joel and Kathy can do it, SO CAN YOU!

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