

WordPress Website Security

Make your Website Secure by installing Security. This Course helps you to see how important it is to protect your Website. Also what you can do.

By Peter Glenn Biram
| 6 students |
  • English
    USD $107 WAS $150 29% OFF
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    What You Will Learn

    • Web Hosting
    • LOGIN
    • Security Plugins
    • Protect Files
    • PASSWORD Protection

    Course Content

    • 1 module 8 lessons 51m total duration
    • Expand All
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    WordPress Security. We need to protect our Website, like we do our property.

    This Video Course, goes through steps to take and for you to set up immediately, to help secure your Website.

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    About Teacher

    Peter Glenn Biram

    Author, Ambassador Elite, Entrepreneur.

    CEO: Kimberloo International, Paradise Publishing & WAWAW Buzbots.

    Teaching Courses. 

    Author to many eBooks. England Should Have WON, Make Money Online, Prompts, Tips & Tricks, Bruce Lee's Dietary & many more...

    Video Editor.

    Affiliate Marketer.


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