

Youth Credit Awareness Porgram

The Youth Credit Awareness Program, or Y-CAP, involves the critical need for maintaining financial stability in a person's life. It involves managing credit scores, credit utilization, establishing creditworthiness, how to understand credit reports.

By Bayon Jeffery Harris
| 1 students |
  • English
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    What You Will Learn

    • What is Creditworthiness is
    • Reasons debt occurs
    • How do Credit Bureaus work
    • Things that affect your credit score
    • Understanding credit scores
    • What borrowers should fully understand (and much much more)

    The credit awareness program teaches students to understand the proper use of credit, credit cards, credit reports, and credit scores.

     Learn to understand and organize your credit will last a life time.

    About Teacher

    Bayon Jeffery Harris


     Bayon J. Harris. Many of my trainees commonly describe me as a credit coach, but my title is certified credit counselor. I found my way to the credit rating industry by accident as a member of the armed forces and experiencing credit problems. I was an instructor, learning to produce military courses with the help of the many guidebooks provided to me while in the armed forces. After having attended (TAITC) The total army instructor tranning course I then had all I needed to produce leadership training courses for the U.S. Military. It was not long after that people saw me repairing my credit prompting other service members to ask for my help.  was then I recognized credit issues were nothing more than puzzles waiting to be completed.

     I had come to understand that most credit problems required an understaning of each of the active part of credit.  its just that the situations are presented to each person defferantly. I have come to understand that as soon as an individual comprehends where they stand per the rules, it's a simple fix. I have certainly found myself passionate as well as motivated concerning the subject of credit. Shortly after leaving the miliatry in 2008 I became a certified credit counselor . Fast forward to where we are now. I have actually retired from the military after three decades and have actually continued producing training classes regarding credit.

     Keying in on just how credit affects an individual and their family members in their daily life. I show people exactly how to understand what debt is in its many aspects, as well as its benefits and drawbacks.

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