Read 1 Cor.1:21, and you learn “Preaching" is, the one supreme requirement of this lost world; and the "preacher" is thus lifted to the supreme place of initiative, leadership, dignity, and responsibility in the work of Christ for the lost world.
By Manna Seminary Doctorate DivisionThis Course is to uplift and build the Preacher and His Ministry. In order to do that, we will cover two main books. The Ideal Ministry and The Preacher. Both books are helpful to any Pastor/Preacher, personally and in his ministry.
Here is an excerpt from the book The Ideal Ministry: “For the attainment of these God-appointed ideals, one of the God-appointed means, and the chief, is the ministry of the Word of God by the man of God. And in the prosecution of this ministry, the ideals of it we hang up in our sky, if worthy, though they may shame our past, will nevertheless prove incentives to higher things.
So that idealizing in the ministry is not theorizing, nor ballooning, nor getting lost in the clouds. It is lifting a standard. In the reverent use of apostolic words, it is forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, and pressing on towards the goal unto the prize of an ideal ministry in Christ Jesus.”
In what sense and to what extent such motive may be an inborn principle in the man himself, as a product of natural birth, without favorable environments or without transmission in germinal form from a religious ancestry is a question more interesting than easy of solution. That it is sometimes measurably transmitted along the line of hereditary piety may be assumed to be as true as the divine promise that “the righteousness of the Lord is unto children’s children to those who keep his covenant and remember his commandments to do them.”
A great number of volumes have been written on the art of preaching. Lectures on Homiletics have been multiplied until they would form a respectable library. But a large part of the labors of every settled minister lies outside of the pulpit. They embrace the whole sphere of his personal interaction with his flock, his care of the sick and the suffering, his dealings with awakened or doubting or troubled souls, his organization of christian work, his development of the spiritual life of the church, and his executive oversight of all its manifold activities. Upon this vitally important side of ministerial life the current literature is quite scarce.
Hopefully, this course will help contribute to the enlightenment, empowering and encouragement of the working and growing pastor who so desires to please His Lord in his call to the ministry.
The Manna Doctorate Program continues the Manna Seminary philosophy of staying Bible based but emphasizes ministry leadership. The Doctorate program emphasizes quality Christian leadership at all levels of the ministry. It takes an in-depth look at the lives of great leaders of the past. It promotes the highest level of ministry in the church with advanced courses in heeding, leading, and feeding the flock.