The Church needs strong leaders. To grow and meet the needs of the age, it must have qualified ministers. Encouraging gifted young men to answer the call is crucial. This course aims to address this need and equip future leaders.
By Manna Seminary Doctorate DivisionIt is evident that no society of men can hold together and can realize great objects without thoroughly qualified leaders. The Church is no exception. Wherever the Church has proved inadequate it has been due to inadequate leadership. If the Church is to grow, so as to meet the growing needs of the age, it must have able men in its ministry. Without such leadership there is danger that it will ultimately be reduced to a negligible force.
The failure to raise up a competent ministry would be a far greater failure than not to win converts to the Christian faith, because the enlarging of the Kingdom ever waits for leaders of power. What problem of the Church is there to-day which cannot best be solved by enlisting for this calling more men and women of the highest qualifications? What calamity, next to the withdrawal of Christ’s presence, should be more dreaded than to have young men and women of genius and of large equipment withhold themselves from responding to the call of the Christian ministry?
And yet this is the calamity which is impending. This course will try to help solve this serious problem.
The Manna Doctorate Program continues the Manna Seminary philosophy of staying Bible based but emphasizes ministry leadership. The Doctorate program emphasizes quality Christian leadership at all levels of the ministry. It takes an in-depth look at the lives of great leaders of the past. It promotes the highest level of ministry in the church with advanced courses in heeding, leading, and feeding the flock.