

Wealth Consciousness

Wealth Consciousness takes you on a journey through the evolution of wealth—from survival to farming, industry, and now technology. It challenges limiting beliefs about wealth, promoting the idea that true abundance flows from living your passion.

By Henry-naiken
| 1 students |
  • English
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    What You Will Learn

    • Welcoming the student to the course
    • Introduction to the course
    • Principles and Psychology of the course
    • Your Magic Aura: A Practical Session
    • Mountains of Money: A Practical Session
    • Nightly Money Commands: Audio

    Course Content

    • 8 modules 8 lessons 2h 0m total duration
    • Expand All
    Principles of Wealth Consciousness
    Relaxation Session
    Magick Aura
    Mountains Of Money
    Money Affirmation
    Bonus : 49

    In a world driven by logic and reason, where every question demands an answer and every mystery seeks explanation, there exists a force that defies such conventions: intuition. It is not bound by the rules of intellect, nor can it be neatly categorized within the confines of scientific understanding. Intuition transcends the linear paths of thought, emerging from a realm where logic loses its grip and something far more profound takes hold. As you embark on the journey within these pages, you will be invited to step beyond the familiar landscapes of the mind and into the uncharted territory of intuitive knowing. Here, explanations give way to experiences, and understanding is no longer a matter of analysis but of surrender. Imagine intuition as a distant traveler from a land unknown, arriving at the doorstep of your consciousness without warning or explanation. The intellect may recognize its presence, sense its significance, but it will find itself at a loss when asked to define or dissect it. This is because intuition originates from a source that the mind cannot fathom—a source that is as ancient as it is mysterious, as profound as it is elusive. In this space, the mind’s need for causality is rendered obsolete. The cause and effect that govern the intellectual realm hold no sway here, for intuition does not emerge from the familiar terrain of thought. It is a gift from a higher order, a light that penetrates the darkness of not knowing, illuminating a path that the intellect could never have charted. Yet, intuition is not entirely separate from the mind; it touches it, leaving a trace that the mind can sense but not fully grasp. This is the paradox that we will explore together—the delicate dance between intellect and intuition, between the known and the unknown. As we ascend into higher realms of understanding, the constructs of logic must be left behind, allowing the language of the heart to take over. This book is an invitation to embrace that journey, to allow the unexplainable to have a voice in your life, and to find meaning not in the clarity of reason but in the acceptance of mystery. It is a call to faith, not in the religious sense, but in the willingness to trust in the unseen, to believe in what cannot be articulated but can only be felt. As you turn the pages, may you find yourself opening not just your mind, but your heart, to the profound wisdom that intuition brings. Let this be your guide as you step into the unknown, where true understanding begins not with explanations, but with the quiet acceptance of the mysteries that lie beyond the intellect's reach. Get it here: https://hbholistic.com/ralph-bonus-course

    Welcome to the "Wealth Consciousness"

    Before we begin, let’s take a moment to journey through the history of wealth and how our perception of it has evolved over time.

    In ancient times, there was no concept of money. Our ancestors lived in caves, surviving off the land by hunting and gathering. They had no cars, no houses, and no bank accounts. Their wealth was measured by their ability to find food and shelter. Life was simple, and resources were shared or taken as needed.

    Then came the agricultural revolution, which changed the way people lived and thought about resources. People began to settle, cultivate the land, and build communities. This gave rise to what we now call the "farmer mentality"—working hard, saving, and planning ahead for hard times. Farmers understood the value of patience, persistence, and preparation, storing their harvests for future use.

    On the other hand, there was also the "hunter mentality"—those who lived for the moment, who consumed everything they had in a single day or night. The hunter mentality was about immediate gratification, not thinking of tomorrow, and enjoying what they had while it lasted.

    Then, as humanity continued to evolve, we entered the industrial revolution. People moved to cities, and factories were built. With this new era came the invention of money as we know it today—a medium of exchange that represented value and facilitated trade. People started to accumulate wealth in new ways, and the concept of saving, investing, and growing one’s financial resources began to take hold.

    And now, here we are, living in the midst of the technological revolution. In today’s world, the old ways of thinking about money are evolving once again. We are now discovering that true wealth comes from living our passion—turning what we love into our career. It is no longer about simply working hard or saving for the future, but about aligning our work with our purpose and passion, and allowing abundance to flow naturally into our lives.

    However, many of us are still held back by limiting beliefs. We have inherited fears and misconceptions about money and wealth from our upbringing and society. We may feel guilty about wanting the comforts of life, believing that the pursuit of material wealth is wrong. This mindset keeps us from experiencing the abundance that is our birthright.

    To truly unlock our potential for wealth, we need to reprogram our minds. We need to release the fears and embrace the idea that wealth is not only acceptable but is a natural and essential part of living our fullest lives. This is where our third session—a powerful audio session of money attraction affirmations—comes into play. This one-hour audio will guide you to reprogram your subconscious mind, helping you attract wealth and abundance with ease.

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    About Teacher


    Dr. Henry B. Naiken’s is an NLP and DHE Practitioner and under the license of Dr. Richard Bandler the innovator of NLP. He utilizes NLP principles and attitudes in his work as a life coach, trainer and Business consultant.

    As well as having a degree in Metaphysics, his greatest assets are his brilliant ability to understand people, his intuitive skills in creating change with ease and his obvious passionate and exciting training style. Dr. Naiken’s sharp sense of humor, his amazing ability to teach complex subjects in simple ways and his powerful inspirational commitment to teaching and training are some of the reasons why he is regarded, by many in the field, as one of the best NLP trainers in the Indian Ocean.

    Dr. Naiken has spoken before packed auditoriums at major Universities in India, At Health Conventions in the Channel Islands in UK, and at Sports Clubs in Mauritius and South Africa. His mastery in the fields of non-verbal communication and influence make him one of the most knowledgeable, exciting, and effective presenters in the region.

    Dr. Naiken was also a Vice-presidential candidate in the Presidential Election for 2006 and 2011 in Seychelles

    For Free 30 minute consultation reach me @
    Phone: +248 2596 284
    Email: henrynaiken@gmail.com

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